Tuesday, April 23, 2013

race day

well i have completed another race; the tarheel 10-miler. it was very different from being a volunteer the year before. this year i was in all the action. i was often amazed how all these runners come together and have a physical moment together. folks are breathing hard and making sounds. some of the sounds you think they make in their bedrooms during sex. then there are the fans; everyone is cheering along the roads to keep you motivated. it was a lot of fun.

i ran my best run ever. this is just my third race though. i ran about a minute faster than my training pace and averaged out less than 8.5 min per mile. this is way more than i could have hoped for. the best part i was done and working at the farmer's market the same day. how's that for an old man?

happy to be done with it with my nice shiny medal. i don't have a race in the next month but i will keep my training up to about 20 miles per week. this will be good and doable for the race in june.

check the stats:


race results:


peace and love